Online Therapy Tips
Which is better—online, hybrid, or in-person? It depends on the person...your schedule, ability to have a quiet space to do the work and rapport with your therapist
Here are some tips for maximizing online therapy:
Commit to being in a quiet, calm spot, where you will not be distracted or interrupted. Consider wearing a headset.
If you are meeting as a couple, please sit within a single screen. This will enable you to turn towards each other and make eye contact.
Have items that will assist you during session close by. This may include water, a blanket, tissues. If you like to write things down, have a notebook and pen ready.
Sit in a comfortable place. You can sit on the floor, in a chair or sofa. Find a place where you don’t have to keep adjusting.
Create a short ritual before and after therapy to help you transition. Often therapy is in the middle of the day and you will have to stop doing something to have your session and you will have to move on to something afterwards. Consider taking a few short breaths before, eyes closed to bring yourself to the session. As you finish therapy, consider writing down what was most important so you can reflect on it later in the day.
The clinicians at Our Healing Therapy are ready to work with you—in-person, online, or a combination of these two. Contact us today.